Department of Regional Development and Spatial Planning
Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Gabi Troeger-Weiß

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The overall aim of regional development and spatial planning is to maintain and shape sustainable development of regions and communities.

The basis of this aim is to create, shape and maintain equal living-conditions through an interdisciplinary approach. Hence, the field of activity comprises regional planning, regional and municipal development, structural policies and regional economics. Within this context, methods and approaches of social, economic and administrative sciences are applied.

The spatial focus reaches from a local towards a regional and European perspective. Especially in a European context, influences of European Union structural and regional policies are crucial for regional development. Thereby, the development of metropolitan areas is as important as the development of rural and peripheral regions.

The increasing complexity of planning leads to a paradigm shift in the science of regional development and spatial planning.

New challenges for regional development and spatial planning are caused by globalization, European integration, demographic change, regional and local competition for citizens and companies, international mobility of companies as well as declining public budgets.

As a result, informal (“soft”) instruments like regional marketing and regional management are required in addition to legal (“hard”) instruments, such as state and regional plans.